Monday, November 27, 2006

Make things simple, but no simpler.

In Sociology my teacher told us that many times how we see the problem is the problem. For example, the problem with hunger in the world is not that there are people starving, but that people will do nothing about it. This idea works on a macro level as well as on a micro level.

It is funny how just getting a simple pair of eye glasses can change the way you see the world. It is such a simple thing too: a pair of lens and a frame. And just wearing it makes everything else better. All those “better” things are still there whether we have the glasses on or not, but it’s just clearer now that you have a different way of looking at it. We can see so much by changing the way we look at the world. Each situation has an infinite amount of views we can take. We try to polarize a situation as either being good or bad when a lot of times it is neither. Going to the mall can be a good thing. You buy clothes for yourself or for your friends to make them smile. You can even say you are contributing to the general welfare of the country by putting money into the economy! But there's a bad side to it too. You could be using that money to help someone else who needs it more than you do or you could even be spending money wastefully. Everything depends on how you look at it.

If you had a bad day, try looking at it in a different light. Not so much the boyfriend that ignored you or the grade that failed you but the experience you learned from each. Experience is something you can only get if you want it. Without experience we would be pretty much lost in every situation we were put in to. The more you experience stepping outside yourself and taking another prospective at the same situation the more you will be able to understand where other people are coming from.

People rarely do something irrational. They see reason in it, therefore, they rationalize it. Rationalization is not irrational. The situation is the same but there are a thousand different ways to look at it. Give it another glance and see what you'll find.

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