Monday, October 16, 2006

i dont want to write this...

Originally posted September 11, 2006

“To do or not to do?” This is the question I am poised with right now. I have a brilliant thesis ready and waiting to hand in tomorrow, but I have to come up with two more. "What to do?" I ask myself, as I lean back in my chair with folded arms, and a glass of chocolate milk in my hand.

After a few minutes of swinging slightting left and right in my chair, I find doing nothing is just as good as doing something if not better. So, rather than staring at this screen making the noise that only a straw can make, which signals "there's not enough chocolate milk left!", I shall come up with something.

Back to my thesis. I have decided to force myself to do something which I don't want to do, but I have grown accustomed to doing, which makes me wonder in the first place, "Do I honestly wish to not do another thesis that badly?" And you will see that in the end perhaps doing no additional thesis was better than doing one thesis at all.

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