Thursday, November 02, 2006

Another tale of facebooking

I can not get over how amazing WiFi is. Even more amazing is how it is available to me during class in a lecture. Why on earth do they have WiFi floating around here anyways if we are not supposed to use it? The person to my right is playing World of Warcraft. The person to my left is watching “Lost”. The person in front of me is writing a paper for his Psychology class, which must be next period judging by how quickly he is typing. And the person behind is probably on Facebook as well, seeing as how from the corner of my eye she keeps trying to catch my name to add me to her friends, no doubt.

I am still paying attention to class, although every few minutes I glance to my left and watch a scene or so from Lost. Mary Kate Van de Woude just sent me a text message and my phone was not on silent. “What a horrible ring tone! Get some Mozart or Trotsky for goodness sake,” is the critique my teacher directs to me in front of a three-hundred strong Economics class. I would have been embarrassed, but I was more interested in what the text message said than what everyone was thinking about me.

1 comment:

Wordsworth said...

what was the ringtone??